Anne Martin: An Tinne with ‘An Ceòl Air Feadh na Fèinne - The Music of What Happens'
Gaelic singer Anne Martin along with Ingrid Henderson, Hannah Moule, Anna Murray, Maggie Rigby and Anna-Wendy Stevenson have used their deep cultural knowledge to produce a beautiful, pertinant and thoughtful performance. An Tinne explores the story of a slabhraidh, the hook and chain which traveled from Skye to Australia in 1852 and links with songs from the Catriona Douglas collection.
The show which includes commisions by Gunditjmara artist Richard Frankland, poets Gerda Stevenson and Peter Mackay and Australian duo The Maes begins a tough and honest conversation about our complex history, where victims and perpetrators can be one and the same.
An Ceòl Air Feadh na Fèinne - The Music of What Happens is an innovative and engaging fifty minute performance of song, story and music inspired by the legends and lays of Fionn MacCumhail and other heroes, as shared by Scotland and Ireland. The tragic love story of Diarmad and Gràinne is the central theme and heart beat of the piece. Leading singers, storytellers and musicians Martin MacIntyre, Gràinne Holland, Mary MacMillan, Eamon Doorley and Mhairi Hall have carefully collected and pieced together this historical jigsaw to create this beautiful and heart wrenching tri-lingual show. It is a first of its kind.
'An Ceòl Air Feadh na Fèinne'! Ach, gu dè th' ann? Cuirm làn ciùil, òran is sgeulachdan a thig beò air beul-aithris is laoidhean Fhinn ic Cumhail is a chòmhlan agus gaisgich eile. 'S e an sgeul-gaoil tiamhaidh aig Diarmad is Gràinne a th' aig cridhe na cùise. Chaidh aig sàr luchd-ciùil is aithris, Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir, Gràinne Nì Holland, Màiri Nic ille Mhaoil, Eamon Doorley is Mhàiri Hall air cuirm bheòthail tharraingeach a chruthachadh le faicill, thar ochd miosa deug, sna trì cànanan le taic làidir o Cholm Cille is TRACS. Chan fhacas a leithid riamh!