DIG: Rob Heaslip (UK/IRE) | ENDLING

DIG: Rob Heaslip (UK/IRE) | ENDLING
Date Every day from 4th Oct 2019 until 5th Oct 2019 7.00pm - 8.00pm Price £12/£10 | £22/£18 double bill ticket with 'Giant' (Transaction fees £1.50 online, £1.75 by phone) All ages Location Tramway Book tickets 0845 330 3501 0845 330 3501


Part of Dance International Glasgow

World Premiere

*See this performance and Giant on the same night for just £22/£18 by booking a Double Bill ticket>*

An endling is an individual that is the last of its species. Once the endling dies, the species becomes extinct. ENDLING uses dance, vocals, music and design to reimagine tales of funerary and mourning rituals of Scottish and Irish Gaels, their chants, songs and customs; many on their own deathbeds and disappearing with each passing generation. Rob Heaslip collides popular and folk culture to create a tale of collective memory and consciousness in a world awash with acid pink, green and purple. Contemporary meets traditional, macabre meets joyful, and morbid fascination is welcomed in to the raucous world of a Gaelic wake.

Crìocharan - an neach mu dheireadh dhe a sheòrsa. Le a bhàs, thig bàs air an t-seòrsa sin. Tha ENDLING a’ cleachdadh dannsa, guth, ceòl agus ìomhaigheachd airson cruth ùr a chur air traidiseanan tìodhlachaidh agus caoinidh nan Gaidheal Albannach agus Èireannach, na traidiseanan sin fhèin air leabaidh a' bhàis le gach ginealach a dh’fhalbhas. Tha Rob Heaslip a’ tarraing an t-seann-nòis agus an nòis-ùir còmhla airson sgeulachd dhathach, dhealrach a tha a’ snìomh iongnadh mu bhàs còmhla ri othail an taigh-fhaire Ghàidhealaich.

Recommended for ages 12+ - partial nudity

Funded by Creative Scotland, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Culture Ireland and The Work Room

Image: Tommy Ga-Ken Wan