Alicia Matthews and Robbie Thomson: Standstill of the Moon in the North
A moving image and sound installation
PREVIEW Thursday 12 May, 7 to 9pm
Told in two parts - from the perspective of rocks, healing springs, radio, air and emptiness - this work re-imagines an island’s environment and the traces of its former inhabitants.
Stone monoliths and steel antennas bookend 5 millennia of monument erection, communion and the appeasing and harnessing of invisible forces necessary for survival, as well as for metaphysical ends.
Standstill of the Moon in the North is a glacial fiction and an impressionistic vision of the liminal places of perception.
This installation in open during Tramway's opening hours:
Tuesdays to Fridays - 12 to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday - 12 to 6pm
CLOSED Mondays
ACCESS: Includes closed captions. particularly good for subpacs (speak to our front of house team)
See below for a British Sign Language introduction to this installation