Katherina Radeva: 40 minutes for 40 years

Katherina's Tramway Supports residency will be spent developing new work 40 minutes for 40 years, inspired by a landmark birthday:
'I am Katherina, but most people call me Kat.
I am 40 and I am a migrant to this country. I am a woman with short dark hair, my skin tone is light and English is my second language. I arrived in the UK when I was sixteen, on my own, from Bulgaria and since then, I haven’t stopped moving, I haven’t stopped working.
This fortieth year feels significant. I want to allow myself the joy and the pain of dancing, and I am going to do that surrounded by other brilliant dancing women, all over 40.
40 minutes for 40 years is a solo piece made with my forty year old changing body. Exhaustion and endurance will look at the labour it takes me to move through space and spaces. There will be joy, humour and anarchy.'