8 December 2021

Moving Out Choreography Commission

Applications by 7 February 2022

The Work Room and Tramway are collaborating, to commission two choreographers to expand their practice through creating or adapting work for public sites and outdoor contexts in the local area around Tramway as part of its Beyond Walls season during summer 2022.

Through this collaboration we are aiming to:

• Enable choreographers to explore adapting their practice, including existing work, for outdoors and public spaces;
• Create new opportunities to connect with the local area and communities around Tramway, namely Pollokshields & Govanhill.

We are inviting submissions from choreographers interested in adapting their practice, including existing work, for specific outdoor or public space in the Pollokshields & Govanhill neighbourhoods around Tramway. It is open to those who have experience of working in outdoor contexts as well as those for whom this would be a new departure in their practice. You can apply as an individual or in collaboration with others.

For this round of Moving Out, we have a total budget of £18,000 and are keen to support two commissions of scale and ambition. The supported projects will culminate in site-specific or outdoor performances in the local area around Tramway areas during the summer of 2022 as part of Tramway’s Beyond Walls programme. Beyond Walls is a season of contemporary performance, visual art and creative participation which engages with the local audience outside the physical limits of the Tramway building and often engages with local community - ‘Community Architects’ in its creation.

We expect project ideas to be flexible and if using technology to be technically feasible within project budget and team resource. The commissions are to pay artists for their own time, material and all associated costs in delivering the project.

Tramway will provide some production support for the programming of the performance work and the selected projects will also be supported through advice from Tramway & TWR staff although we recommend that artist’s budget for producing or production management roles as part of their team structure.

Selection criteria:

Applications will be assessed on the strength of the proposal or idea presented and the potential of this project to connect with our local area and communities.

We recognise there are barriers to working in dance and that these challenges are felt more acutely by some people. We are committed to increasing the diversity of people working in dance and especially welcome applications from those who identify as having characteristics currently under-represented within dance. This includes disabled people, those with parental responsibilities and people from working-class backgrounds. We are particularly keen on supporting people of colour and those from minority ethnic backgrounds in support of Tramway's Making the Change initiative that centres artists of colour


Selection Process:

All applications will be assessed on:
• The strength of the proposal or idea presented;
• The potential of this project to connect with the local area and communities around Tramway;
• The potential for this project at this point in your artistic development.

All submissions will be considered by a panel involving two community members (as per Tramway’s Community Architect’s scheme) and two independent artists who have experience of creating outdoor work. The panel will be chaired by Anita Clark, Director of TWR.

How to apply:

We recognise that the experience over the past 18 months mean application processes can be particularly challenging. We are approaching this slowly, with a long timescale for applications and want to keep the process as straight forward as possible. We would ask you to send us the following:
• A description of your idea for the project and why you are keen to explore this;
• How it will respond to our local neighbourhood and connect with communities around Tramway;
• An outline of the budget your project needs along with other support you feel would beneficial to enable you to deliver the project;
• A timescale for creation and subsequent presentation at some point in the Summer of 2022.

Please also include a link to more information about yourself and your practice or attach a CV. We would also encourage you to tell us if you identify as sharing one or more of the prioritised characteristics we outlined above.

Written applications should be submitted using no more than 2 pages of A4. Alternatively, you can apply by video covering the points above. The video should be no longer than 5mins long and uploaded to Vimeo or another platform. If you choose to submit by video, please don’t worry about the quality of the video or the camera skills.

If you would like this information in a different format or require support in preparing an application, please contact us directly. Please also tell us about any access requirements you may have to support you to undertake this project.

Applications should be returned by email to
by 7 February 2022 with ‘Moving Out 2022’ in the email title. You will hear the decisions by the end of March 2022.


(Header image shows Jenn Taggart. Photo by Brian Hartley)