Rabindranath Bhose

Movement Alchemy: the Gender Fugitive’s Toolkit
Residency - Monday 16 to Saturday 21 January 2023
'I plan to explore the figure of ‘the Fugitive' through movement, and develop it into a performance which dances through queer ecology, disability justice, and gender transition. I will begin from a place of desire, supported by Dance Artist Zinzi Buchanan to find grounding in the body. Together, we will build a toolkit for a supportive and generative movement practice.
I will use theory as a companion, and move accompanied by the thinking of philosopher, writer and activist Bayo Akomolafe, in particular his conception of ‘the fugitive’. My plan is to use dance as a way of ‘becoming the temple offering sanctuary to the criminal’ by meeting myself fully. Departing from the trans experience of being a gender fugitive, I will explore how movement dissolves apparently concrete social codes, leaving a body still and always transforming. This will be in solidarity with other precarious bodies waiting to become, or in the process of emerging.'