Robbie Synge
Remote Residency, 18 to 29 November
'Working from my home and the surrounding area of Abernethy Forest, and in consultation with several specialists, this residency period will allow conceptual and technical investigation of a very early-stage hypothesis around creation of a small, simple motorised structure that responds remotely (perhaps in a different place) to changing data derived from elsewhere. The aim is ultimately to embody in some mechanical way, fluctuating data derived from another situation.
With this starting point, the residency time will allow consideration of the complexities, possibilities and feasibilities for various sources and methods of embodying data, working in the local ecological context with the assistance of a monitoring scientist, and with advisers in coding in order to investigate the communication of data, and its visualisation and/or activation of small mechanised systems.
The residency is part of ongoing experimentation around proximities of connection between people, places and other living and non-living entities.'
Follow Robbie on Instagram and Facebook with @robbiesynge